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900 year diary


Inhabitants of the planet Uxarieus, they built the Doomsday Weapon which, when once used, created the Crab Nebula. The Weapon's radiation constantly leaked into the planet, reducing the surviving Uxarieuns to a primitive existence in a cavernous city beneath the surface. The Uxarieuns evolved into three physically different groups. The Primitives were tall humanoids with large eyes, who scavenged on the planet's surface and painted their bodies gaudy colours. They were not particularly intelligent but some of them became almost friendly with the colonists from Earth, helping them and receiving food packages in return. They could, however, become aggressive and murderous if riled. The second group lived deep within the underground city. These were the dwarfish priests, with tiny eyes making them almost blind in the darkness. They used a primitive empathic power over the Primitives and each other. The third was the guardian, a single, intelligent being, capable of telekinesis. The guardian realised that the Master would only use the Doomsday Weapon for ill, and instructed the Doctor in the operation of the self-destruct mechanism. When the Doomsday Weapon exploded, it destroyed much of the underground city and people, although some of the Primitives possibly survived.