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900 year diary


Inhabitants of the planet Sontara, the Sontarans were a cloned warrior species, dedicated to the art of killing. Their only major weakness being that they needed to recharge their energy after long periods of fighting. This was usually done by plugging themselves into their ships, via the probic vent at the nape of their neck. The probic vent was also a source of weakness - they could be stunned after a blow to it, or killed if stabbed through it. Their skin was also vulnerable to coronic acid. For centuries, the Sontarans were at war with the Rutans, a conflict that few could remember the origin of. Their battles stretched across much of the galaxy and, in human terms, was going on during the twelfth century and still doing so nearly fourteen thousand years later. The Doctor first met the Sontarans after their attack on the J7 space station, where they attempted to steal the Kartz-Reimer time travel module. A lone Sontaran warrior crashed on Earth in England during the crusades. The Sontarans next focussed on Earth after it had been deserted due to solar flare activity, testing the GalSec colonists. The Sontarans also attempted to invade Gallifrey itself, with the intention of gaining mastery over time.