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900 year diary


A cyborg creature, brought to Earth many hundreds of years ago by a Zygon ship which settled beneath Loch Ness in Scotland. The Zygon homeworld had been devastated and the Zygons sought to terraform Earth. The Zygons needed the Skarasen as they fed off the lactic fluid it produced. The Skarasen attacked the oil rigs that were being built in the North Sea, as they disrupted its feeding routine. The Skarasen was amphibious, and frequently crossed Tullock Moor to find new feeding grounds, creating many local legends over the years. It could be controlled by a quasi-organic device which emitted a calling signal, one of which was found attached to a destroyed rig. The device then attached itself to the Doctor's hand, and the Skarasen began hunting him. Finally ridding himself of it, the device was destroyed by the creature. Later Broton, warlord of the Zygons, placed another device inside the Doctor's pockets. The Skarasen travelled down the coast and up the Thames to central London where Broton, disguised as the Duke of Forgill was addressing an energy conference. The Doctor threw the device to the Skarasen, whereupon it swam back to Loch Ness reinforcing stories of the mythological monster.