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900 year diary


A commander in the Sontaran fleet. His ship was damaged during a skirmish with a Rutan scout and he crash-landed in twelfth century England, close to a castle occupied by a robber baron, Irongron. Irongron believed that his warrior from the stars was an omen that his fortunes would change and indeed, in exchange for a workshop, Linx supplied Irongron with advanced weapons, including a robot knight. Using a crude osmic projector, Linx was able to project himself briefly into the twentieth century and kidnap scientists. He hypnotised them into helping him repair his ship. The Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith followed in the TARDIS, and convinced a nearby nobleman, Edward, to help them stop Linx. Once his ship was repaired, Linx prepared to take off, knowing the castle and everyone in it would perish. The Doctor was able to get the scientists home, while Irongron's men got out. Edward's expert archer, Hal, shot Linx with an arrow through the probic vent on the back of the alien's neck, killing him. Unable to complete take-off, the ship exploded, wiping any trace of Sontaran technology from Earth, but destroying Irongron's castle.