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900 year diary

great vampire

According to the legends of Gallifrey, the Great Vampires were space-faring killers who sought to plunder and destroy planets. Rassilon created huge bow-ships to spear and destroy them, and many battles and wars raged until the last Great Vampire allegedly disappeared. The Doctor discovered that it passed through a Charged Vacuum Emboitment, taking it into the pocket universe known as E-Space. It arrived on an unnamed planet and slept until an Earth starship, the Hydrax, crash landed. The ship became known as a castle, and the descendents of the crew became villagers. However, three of the crew, captain Miles Sharkey, science officer Anthony O'Connor and navigation officer Lauren MacMillan became slaves of the Great Vampire, dedicated to keeping it alive. In exchange for their obedience, they were granted a vampiric lifestyle, immortality for as long as they drank the blood of the villagers and kept the Great Vampire supplied as well. Over the centuries, the three became known and feared as The Three Who Rule, waiting for the Great Vampire to reawaken. Finally it did, but the Doctor plunged a scoutship from the Hydrax through its heart, finally killing it. As it died, so too did the Three Who Rule, thus freeing the villagers from generations of servitude.