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900 year diary


The United Nations Intelligence Taskforce was a worldwide organisation set up to track and defeat any new and unusual menaces to mankind, especially those of an extraterrestrial nature. The British division was initially run by Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, an army veteran of the attack on the London Underground by the Abominable Snowmen. The British section of UNIT fell under the auspices of Sir John Sudbury at Department C19, through which it was capable of demanding a full-scale evacuation of London, such as when the Dinosaurs appeared during Operation Golden Age. UNIT started off in a mobile HQ within a Hercules Transporter Aeroplane, but soon moved to outer London offices which bordered a canal. Amongst the menaces it fought were Cybermen, Nestenes, Silurians, Alien Ambassadors, the Master, Axons, Daemons, Daleks, Gell Guards, Giant Maggots, Dinosaurs, the Eight-Legs of Metebelis III, Robot K1, Zygons, Kraals and Krynoids. After the Brigadier's retirement, Colonel Crichton took over, but by the time Morgaine attacked, Brigadier Bambera was in command. Other prominent UNIT members included Captain Yates, Sergeant Benton, Jo Grant, Harry Sullivan and, acting as their unpaid scientific advisor, the Doctor.