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900 year diary


The name formed from Time And Relative Dimension In Space, a TARDIS is a type of ship which can traverse time and space. Partially powered by a Mercury Fluid Link, they were built by the Time Lords. Due to their dimensionally transcendental properties, they looked bigger on the inside than out and could change their outer shell to blend in with any locale. The Doctor stole a Type 40 capsule and used it to flee Gallifrey. With a variety of rooms, including a swimming pool, Cloisters, boot cupboard, Zero Room and a vast wardrobe, the Doctor's TARDIS became home to both him and the variety of companions that travelled with him. The TARDIS shared a limited telepathic rapport with the Doctor, leading to speculation by some companions that the TARDIS was actually a rudimentary form of sentient life. The TARDIS was instrumental in aiding a number of successful regenerations for the Doctor and its interior could be easily reconfigured, depending on the current Doctor's taste in design. It has a number of Console Rooms and many models had a Statenheim Remote Control fitted, to enable the Ship to be piloted by external powers. Time Lords no longer use TARDISes, travelling via Time Rings. The Master, the Rani and the Monk all used TARDISesi