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900 year diary


Inhabitants of the planet Exxilon. Humanoids, they once had a great space fleet, travelling to and influencing the cultures of many worlds. On their own planet, they built a huge living city, which ultimately was known as one of the seven hundred wonders of the Universe. They claimed their civilisation was ancient even before life had begun on other planets. However, the computer-controlled city repulsed them, manifesting monstrous humanoid antibodies and complicated booby traps to kill any Exxilons which remained. The city also drained any kind of artificial power, and over the centuries a majority of the Exxilons reverted to a civilisation of superstitious primitives. With the aid of some more intellectual Exxilons, the Doctor destroyed the living city, thus enabling the Exxilons to rebuild their peaceful civilisation and culture. The Exxilons were known to have travelled to Earth and influenced the Peruvian Incas, showing them how to create their buildings and encouraging their civilisation. The Doctor recognised much of the decor, and the method by which the city was constructed, as being identical to the Incan temples.